Technology Firm

Initiated strategic partnership with multinational firm that will potentially net 1M in revenue the first year. Broke out product offer into two paid products after identifying customers’ value proposition. Systemized business case study development and return-on-investment analysis enhancing referral strategy. Advised web strategy development.


Developed a go-to-market strategy increasing visibility and establishing thought leadership position in market for future product growth. Developed new referral and partnership networks. Developed systemized plan to consistently build and communicate with a permission-based prospect and post-sales database for client acquisition, up-selling and cross-selling, while continuing to build the brand.

National Broadcast Network

Developed strategic five-year business plans for CRTC submission for license renewal. Upon approval and license renewal, developed marketing plan and sales plan. On-going implementation of all plans. 

Financial Institution

In merger/change management environment, identified new customer segments, identified perceived customer value and knowledge of products, identified potential for new financial products and made recommendations for a go-to-market strategy including web.